About Borsetshire families

The data for these family trees is derived from the BBC Radio 4 "Fly-on-the-wall documentary" known as the The Archers (True fans of the programme never mention the term "soap opera"). I have tried to include in the database all the families in the fictional county of Borsetshire who have more that two generations that we know about.

I originally compiled the data as a test set for various genealogy programs, but have now decided to maintain it and make it available to other enthusiasts.

Where possible, a married womans maiden name is used. However, where this is not possible, I have used her earliest known surname, and prefixed her given name with" Mrs". Also, if a persons name changes, for any other reason, their original name is the one that is shown.

The database uses the term "spouse" when any relationship has ...err.. produced a child, irrespective of whether the parents are married or not!

Thanks for additional comments and information go to:

Peter Hesketh http://www.azande.demon.co.uk/archers/index.html
Chris Gale
Vicky Griffiths
Chris Harrison http://www.lowfield.co.uk/archers/
Sheena Henderson
Penny Mayes http://www.bigwig.net/umra/

Further comments, additional data or corrections will always be welcomed.

Tools used for Genealogy

The main software tools that I use for my Family History research are:

Clink on this Link if you want to know more about these and other tools, and why I choose to use them.

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